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Happy Pi Day Greetings Messages and Funny Pi Quotes

By Biswa                                                         

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Any day is a good day when we have Pi with us. Happy Pi day

By Biswa                                                         

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Mathematics has become simple with Pi. Let’s celebrate this Pi day by acknowledging this constant. Happy Pi day

By Biswa                                                         

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I admire the stability of this constant Pi. Happy Pi day

By Biswa                                                         

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Happy Pi day to all the circles who use this wonderful constant. Happy Pi day

By Biswa                                                         

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This constant makes us go round. Happy Pi Day

By Biswa                                                         

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You will learn to be rational with this wonderful constant. Happy Pi day

By Biswa                                                         

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How do rate this Pi-rate. Happy Pi day.

By Biswa