Inspirational Karma Quotes from Bhagavad Gita
You have the right to work but not to the fruits of your labour.
Karma does not bind a person who is content with the gain that comes naturally from his will, who is free of all conflicts and does not envy anyone, and who remains stable in success and failure.
If you practise Karma through selfless action, you will be able to break free from the shackles of desires.
While there is no harm or defect as a result of performing karma, even a small effort of this selfless action protects us from great danger.
A Karma Yogi is focused solely on God-realization, but the desires of those who work to enjoy the fruits of their labour are limitless.
No one achieves perfection by simply ceasing to work because no one can remain action less for even a single moment.
A sincere person who tries to control the active senses with his mind and practises Karma-Yoga without attachment is far superior.
Karma Yogi-one who is free of attachment, whose mind is fixed on Self-knowlÂedge, and who performs work as a service to the Lord merges completely in the knowledge form as Brahman.
There is no harm or defect in performing karma, but even a minor advancement in this selfless action protects us from the great fear Danger.
All Karma, or the consequences of actions, completely vanishes from the liberated being that, free of attachments and with his mind enveloped in wisdom, performs the true spiritual fire right.
The Yogi, perfected by the path and the efforts of many births, is cleansed of sin (Karmic taint) and finally enters the supreme beatitude by diligently following his path.
Your human right is only for activities, never for the fruits of your actions. Let not the fruits of action be your motivation, nor should your attachment to inaction be your motivation.
Perform all actions without attachment (to the fruits), being unconcerned about success or failure. Yoga is the term used to describe this mental balance.
Ordinary action (performed with desire) is vastly inferior to action directed by wisdom; thus, seek refuge in the ever-directing wisdom. Those who perform actions solely for the purpose of reaping the benefits are despicable.
Simply avoiding actions does not result in actionlessness. Nobody achieves perfection by abandoning work.
Perform the obligatory actions, because action is preferable to inactivity; even basic body maintenance would be impossible through inaction.
People in the world are Karmically bound by activities that differ from Yajna (religious rites); labour without attachment, in the spirit of Yajna, offering actions as obligations.
No duty exists for the person who truly loves the soul, is completely satisfied with the soul, and finds complete contentment in the soul alone. As a result, always perform good material and spiritual actions free of attachment; by doing all actions free of attachment, one achieves the highest.
The yogi who performs actions, forswearing attachment and surrendering his actions to the infinite, like the lotus leaf, remains unbound by entanglement in the senses.
Sattvic renunciation occurs when dutiful action is performed solely for the sake of doing it, without attachment to it or its fruits.
Although it is impossible for an embodied being to completely abandon actions, he who relinquishes the fruit of actions is known as a renunciant.
No one who does good will ever have a bad ending, either here or in the next world.
The intention is what gives Karma its meaning. What matters is the intention behind the action. Those who are only motivated by a desire for the fruits of action are unhappy because they are constantly concerned about the outcomes of their actions.
Those who follow the path of yoga and realise the Self are forever established in that supreme state, free of anger and selfish desire, and united in mind.
Those who have achieved Self-realization control their senses rather than allowing their senses to control them.
When left to its own devices, the mind continues to repeat the same old habitual patterns of personality. The central principle of yoga is that by training the mind, anyone can learn to step in and change old ways of thinking.
Krishna says that we must act in a selfless spirit, free of ego and preoccupation with whether things go our way or not; only then will we avoid falling into the terrible net of karma. We cannot avoid karma by abstaining from our responsibilities: even to survive in the world, we must act.
Some people perceive God in their hearts through meditation, while others do so through the yoga of knowledge and still others through the yoga of work. Some, on the other hand, do not understand Brahman but worship because of what they have heard from others. They also transcend death due to their firm belief in what they have heard.
Always be aware of me, adore me, and make every act an offering to me, and you will come to me; this I promise, because you are dear to me.
As a result, the Gita places complete control over human destiny in the hands of the individual. Its world is not deterministic, but it is also not the result of random chance: we shape ourselves and our world through what we believe, think, and act on, for better or worse.
A Karma-yogi acts without attachment with his or her body, mind, intellect, and senses for the sole purpose of self-purification.
The wise work for the benefit of the entire world, with no regard for their own well-being.
The wise perceive action in the midst of inaction and inaction in the midst of action. Their consciousness is unified, and they perform each act with complete awareness.
Always do your work with the well-being of others in mind.
I declared two paths for the pure heart at the beginning of time: jnana yoga, a contemplative path of spiritual wisdom, and karma yoga, an active path of selfless service.
You have the right to perform your assigned duties, but you do not have the right to the fruits of your labour.
Work for the sake of work, not for yourself. Act, but don’t get too attached to what you’re doing. Be present in the world, but not of it.
Always do your job efficiently and without regard for the outcome, because doing work without regard for the outcome leads to the Supreme.
Work done with results anxiety is far inferior to work done in the calm of self-surrender without such anxiety. Seek refuge in Brahma’s knowledge. People who work selfishly for results are unhappy.
Do your obligatory duty, because action is always preferable to inaction.
You will always be fruitful and find fulfillment of your desires if you serve others selflessly.